Sexual Diversity and Combating Gender-Based Violence Coordination Office (CDGEN)
The Sexual Diversity and Combating Gender-Based Violence Coordination Office (CDGEN) assists PROAFE in the implementation of policies to combat genderphobia and violence against women within UFSC, through institutional support policies that promote the rights of the university population of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers, intersex, asexuals and more (LGBTQIA+) and of women victims of violence.
Its responsibilities are:
- implement policies for combating genderphobia and violence against women inside UFSC;
- coordinate programs, projects and activities aimed at the respect for the dignity of the LGBTQIA+ community;
- promote lectures and institutional campaigns for combating genderphobia and violence against women;
- receive and report complaints of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as give the necessary assistance and psychological support;
- revise UFSC legislation in order to guarantee human rights related to sexual diversity and violence against women, helping to establish academic penalties for violators;
- coordinate training and continuing education projects within the themes of human rights, sexual diversity and violence against women for UFSC students, faculty and staff;
- stimulate the creation of a network of support and guidance among the University’s administrative units, aimed at building inter-institutional relations and improving service standards for women and LGBTQI+ individuals who are victims of violence within UFSC.
Staff: Carolina Cunha Seidel
Elisani de Almeida Bastos
Marilucia Ramos Anselmo