The Prorectorate for Affirmative Action and Equity (PROAFE) is a central executive body of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) aimed at developing institutional, pedagogical and academic policies and actions for the promotion of affirmative action in basic education, undergraduate education, graduate education, research, outreach, staff recruitment, and institutional management at UFSC. Such policies and actions are based on the principle of equity and are proposed in a comprehensive manner and in collaboration with other university units.
Equity starts from the recognition that there are differences in various societal fields (cultural, historical, economic, gender, accessibility, etc.), which place us in unequal positions in society. Affirmative action is about correcting asymmetries and offering the conditions that people need, allowing everyone to have access to the opportunities.
Therefore, PROAFE is dedicated to structuring and promoting policies that encourage the access and retention of students (at all education levels) and of faculty and staff in an equitable manner. This work is carried out through fighting socioeconomic inequalities and discrimination against historically vulnerable groups, such as: black, indigenous and quilombola people, women, the LGBTQIAP+ community, people with disabilities and specific needs, among other groups.
The main responsibilities of the Prorectorate for Affirmative Action and Equity (PROAFE) are:
- coordinate and monitor the implementation of actions related to the University’s affirmative action policy, ensuring compliance with the relevant rules;
- develop institutional, pedagogical and academic actions aimed at affirmative action in basic education, undergraduate education, graduate education, research, outreach, staff recruitment, and institutional management at UFSC, in collaboration with other university units and based on the principle of equity;
- plan, implement, coordinate, and consolidate Affirmative Action Programs aimed at enhancing the conditions of access and retention of socially vulnerable undergraduate students and/or of members from traditional communities historically excluded from higher education, with a view to contributing to social promotion through education;
- establish partnerships with other UFSC units, public and private organizations, and the external community, to ensure the integration and execution of the actions.
Visit PROAFE main website here (in Portuguese).